Thursday, December 6, 2012

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Theprovince , Chaoyang knife away ,then surrender immortal four sword ,I think what had happened . From the blue shadows ,again with a loud thunder run pass if .relationresultInthe leader coercion ,near collapse, Niu Ben Shu ,along with the sound of this order came, just feel like a million on insects generally uncomfortable !At this moment, he felt very understand that this is the leader to play tricks ,as long as you promise ,this kind of feeling the moment will disappear .
However ,Niu Ben Shu do not want to promise him .relationresultInsist,Niu Ben Shu teeth ,the blood flowing down along the lips ,tick ,between instantly ,it will , relationresultIn front ofthe white dyed scarlet .
relationresultChi ,because of excessive force, Niu Ben Shu was taut face ,in the leader under enormous pressure, like the old tree ,pulled out the bone with deep rift !relationresultTwo fiststightly clenched ,Niu Ben Shu with systemic effort clenched both fists .
Full format ( he was a relaxed ,will allow the leader requirement .relationresultDo notpromise ,promise ,a promise !Because of his promise ,which is tantamount to drink thirst ,after the overall situation ,it is more difficult to clean up !relationresultBluelight ,cold gaze Niu Ben Shu changes ,no feelings once again sounded: sound of thunder bull run Shu ,in addition to promise ,you don ! The voice just fell ,a like a sword of light into blue bull run Shu head .
relationresultAllhave become badly mutilated the Niu Ben Shu ,watching hit cyan SG ,but cannot move half body !At that moment ,a voice from the ground comes out, the sound is clear , the guru ,I just don agree, you can hurt me ! , relationresultAsthis is sounded ,the white bull run in a warm comfortable clothes ,he knew that the who ,already become paste eyes although only saw a black shadow ,is in his heart, the face is so warm .
Mobile phone ( WAP browsing body ,black reason curdling into body finally showed up !relationresultA blackNiu Benshu body ,watching the white Yuan Ying reincarnation into Niu Yaotian covered in blood ,grunted coldly ,punched out !relationresultFistlike lightning ,thunder run if the potential .
With the bull run punched out ,a black fist wrapped can not contain the anger ,shells ,straight to the sky above the boom to !relationresultBoom,boom ,boom ,boom broken black fist like a sharp sword of blue light ,google,the founder of detonation broke the endless coercion ,a strong real profit spear ,straight to the volley standing cyan light to strong detonation !relationresultCyan lightvolley real ,a jade hand with fingers ,gently poke in the sky ,a blue sword image appears in the sky ,endless killings of gas from above into the bull jianying .
relationresult! Blue Jianying chopped at a black fist ,burst strength will be the empty played piece of cracked .A violent explosion shock from heaven after ,will not far from a hill ,to the bombardment into pieces .
relationresultGood means ,could have broken my immortal sword !You have reached this state .But you know ,not holy, for the end of ants ?Now if you can agree, I still can spare your life ,otherwise ,all you must do to pay water ! Around the outside of the blue light gradually dissipated ,exposing his simple and full of strong face .
relationresultHum ! A black-clad Niu Ben Shu sneers two ,then ,is very arrogant and said: great leader, if you accept my conditions ,all it ;otherwise ,I will be the immortal sword four back to the bottom ,let you ever get it ! , relationresultHave a death wish.
A thunderous roar ,again from an outgoing leader mouth ,along with the jade finger poke ,four than just fierce million times sword chop vanity ,straight to the Niu Ben Shu Honglai !relationresultAndthat the energy compared to ,more serious is in this day that implied intended sword .
Zhu ,kill ,trap ,the vast ,intended to kill the cupola !The endless void under the intention to kill ,rupture ,straight to the Niu Ben Shu body .relationresultIn the face ofthe next four Jianwang ,black-clad Niu Ben Shu was not changed, watching the lightning volley fell four Jianwang ,cold sing one track: you is happening, I only with a blow broken ! , relationresult! Niu Ben Shu volley ramming a boxing ,this boxing without detonation in four sharp sword ,but went on to them in the void .
Along with the black gold out of the fast as lightning ,generally falling four day to see the fire ,such as ice ,immediately dissolved .relationresultSomething ,it means a little bit .A defeat ,what a big breath ,I see you how to break the law ! Then ,the leader of the volley of offering a small gold golden hammer hammer ,the wind rose ,instantly become like the giant general ,cnn,volley to bull run Shu hard to hit !relationresultIna full sledge hammer ,a purple lightning ,like a purple dragon ,the hammer above twisting .
relationresultHugegolden hammer ,Zhetianbiri, once the hammer detonation ,is must inevitably fall a saint ,ashes to ashes !With a sharp fall, Niu Ben Shu was unchanged ,firmly holds fist ,to punch out !relationresult! A loud drumming came from the sky ,Niu Ben Shu spirit feel down ,have cohesive management ,on the drums ,all disappeared .
But in this time ,gigantic golden hammer head straight towards the Niu Ben Shu volley fall !( ) , relationresultEighth green mountain Fengming thirtieth chapter bloody from Datang , relationresultThe mountainair hammer Darrow ,fall ,like great pressure .
Niu Ben Shu Li ,seven ruler body and the golden hammer ,like elephants and ants can generally be quite different !relationresultDetonation!Golden hammer instantly hit the bull run Shu that seems to be the small body ,the great strength of the punch, Niu Ben Shu body is as fragile glass ,scattered fly apart .
See Niu Ben Shu body has been broken ,Hu warbler suddenly lost !relationresultNowhen Notre Dame is delighted ,black Niu Ben Shu is broken, for she is good ,it is because of the presence of black Niu Ben Shu ,as the only white bull run Shu fearless .
This prospective Saint top black bull run is the founder of Shu master broke ,it has yet to reach prospective holy white bull run Shu ,do not let her kneading ?relationresultHowever,the black bull run Shu is broken, there are two individuals are what look no : one is the white bull run Shu ,another is the founder of hand .
Void cyan figure still as before, but this time he hands is more than a simple .Look at his immutable and frozen forms, like that a heavy hammer ,don and he has nothing to do !relationresultThe goldengiant hammer smashed Niu Ben Shu ,and then fell, but by the founder of hand trick ,received back .
When it becomes smaller and abnormalities of the small golden hammer returned to the founder of the hands, the void came the founder of clear voice : your condition ,I promise ! As the stunned ,Hu warbler also face be very much puzzled by .
White bull run Shu look at a stand the saint ,his lips parted in a smile .At this moment ,in the black bull run Shu the broken places ,a piece of debris from a myriad of nether flew out ,instantly and bonded together suit Niu Ben Shu figure,Facebook, reappearance in the earth !relationresultThank the leader, this executes the immortal sword to its origin owner now ! Then, reaching to the dangerous bull run Shu dash straight to the sky ,fly to the sword .
relationresultPingPing, four sword pierced the imaginary ,as an arrow ,straight toward his former master .Along with the Four Swords fly out ,endless murderous again will Baizhang void coverage reached a Babel refers to a long scroll ,volley fly out ,despite the four sword quickly go . Related articles:

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